How to write a foolproof job description

November 4, 2016

A job description is a key tool in attracting and retaining top talent to your company. Time and time again we see job descriptions that are not fit to sell the role to external candidates. Follow these five steps to writing fool proof job descriptions…

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Cultural fit; more important than technical expertise?

October 24, 2016

On any new assignment, our clients will provide us with a list of technical knowledge and competences vital to the position being filled, but a candidate that ticks all of the boxes on paper may not be the right fit for the overall culture of the company.

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How to overcome interview bias (including the mini-me effect)

October 4, 2016

Research over the last 20 years* has shown that we are susceptible to unconscious biases that come from direct experiences we’ve had with people and situations, as well as through indirect experiences from media and culture. So what should we look out for when interviewing?

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Five Powerful Reasons You Should Hire The Over Fifties

September 14, 2016

The looming skills crisis facing the transport & infrastructure sector means it has never been more crucial that we address age discrimination within the workplace. Yet, still, companies are reluctant to hire candidates aged fifty and over. But how can hiring a more experienced candidate benefit your business?

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The Impossible Job

July 26, 2016

By the time you read this Sam Allardyce will have presented to the media as the next Manager of the England football team, in what is often referred to as “the Impossible Job”. So what do you do if you have a very demanding, senior position to fill and you don’t have a multi-million salary to offer like the FA?

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What impact would Brexit have on UK Infrastructure?

June 22, 2016

It is 43 years since Britain joined the European Union, and through much of that time there has been grumbling about the impact of membership on our day-to-day lives. We have heard much debate and hyperbole from both sides of the argument over the last few months, but what impact would Brexit really have on the UK infrastructure sector?

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May 26, 2016

So after eight years of Boris Johnson, London this month elected a new Mayor. I wish Sadiq Khan the best of luck – but I believe he faces a major challenge to make good on his raft of infrastructure promises.

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Contracts & Frameworks – Who’s won what?

January 1, 1970

The Transport & Infrastructure sectors are as busy as ever. Here’s a roundup of the major contracts awarded across Transport & Infrastructure…

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