Movers and Shakers in Transport & Infrastructure – The Headlines from October 2021

November 1, 2021

We’re approaching an exciting time of year with Halloween, bonfire night and of course the joys of Christmas shopping during a global chip shortage.

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Employee Ownership Trusts – Why are so many UK Contractors switching to EOTs?

October 29, 2021

Buckingham Group recently became the latest construction company to move to an employee ownership model, part of the growing trend of companies using EOTs.

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Mergers & Acquisitions – What Types of Leaders do you Need to Succeed?

October 21, 2021

The sale of parts of the nmcn business has added to the growing number of companies bolting on new divisions this year.

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Movers and Shakers in Transport & Infrastructure – The Headlines from September 2021

October 11, 2021

Autumn is always a busy time for recruitment and there have seen some big changes in the transport and infrastructure sectors this month.

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UK New Nuclear Build – is it the only answer to the UK Energy conundrum?

October 11, 2021

Energy has been in the news even more than usual recently. With the spotlight on what the key sources will be for powering our homes and businesses in the future.

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National Infrastructure Pipeline – What are the Risks and Which Projects Will Make it onto Site?

September 20, 2021

The Treasury have set out details of £31 billion of infrastructure and construction procurement activity planned for the next year.

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Succession Planning for Senior Leadership – How to Ensure a Smooth Transition

September 15, 2021

All organisations eventually have to handle tricky handovers of power. Whether it is the retirement of a long-term Chief Executive or the poaching of a senior Director. Succession planning can go a long way to ensure a smooth transition.

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Movers and Shakers in Transport & Infrastructure – The Headlines from August 2021

September 6, 2021

Summer has flown by, and we are now approaching Autumn, the kids are back to school, and before we know it Christmas will be here!

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