5 things to consider when recruiting from industry into consulting

April 13, 2022

Companies in industry have often tempted consultants advising them to step across the divide and join them permanently.

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Movers and shakers in transport & infrastructure – the headlines from March 2022

April 13, 2022

Congratulations to all of our Movers and Shakers from March, let’s take a look at who has moved where this month…

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Closing the green skills gap

April 13, 2022

November of 2020, Boris Johnson set out his 10 point plan for the UK’s Green Industrial Revolution. In this plan, he detailed how we were to achieve the legally binding obligation of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

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5 things to consider when recruiting from industry into consulting

April 4, 2022

The switch from industry into consulting is a big adjustment. Here are 5 key differences to focus on when assessing if someone can make the transition into the world of consulting…

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Movers and Shakers in Transport & Infrastructure – The Headlines from March 2022

March 24, 2022

Check out the latest movers and shakers from across the transport & infrastructure sectors from March 2022…

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Contracts & Frameworks – Who’s won what?

March 11, 2022

The Transport & Infrastructure sectors are as busy as ever. Here’s a roundup of the major contracts awarded across Transport & Infrastructure…

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Are you an inclusive employer?

March 8, 2022

When employees trust that they and their colleagues will be treated fairly regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or age, they are almost 10 times more likely to look forward to going to work. So how do you know if you are doing everything you can to be an inclusive employer?

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Movers and Shakers in Transport & Infrastructure – The Headlines from February 2022

February 25, 2022

Check out the latest movers and shakers from across the transport & infrastructure sectors from February 2022…

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