What makes a successful collaborative enterprise? We’ve been interviewing for a number of enterprise models recently, who are utilising Project 13 approach. I thought I would share some insights gleaned from these conversations.
Back To InsightsWhat makes a successful collaborative enterprise?
We’ve been interviewing for a number of enterprise models recently, who are utilising Project 13 approach. So having spoken to a good chunk of people who are living and breathing this ethos right now, I thought I would share some insights gleaned from these conversations.
Crucially aligning commercial incentives to the programmes interests rather than to the partner organisations. Objectives have to be win win or lose lose. Everyone is in this together.
Establish how the culture differs from parent companies – taking aspects from each.
In a true alliance the client has a very different relationship with their contractors and there must be established procedures for talking through disagreements at alliance board level. Understanding different perspectives and listening to all parties.
Treat the alliance/enterprise as an organisation in its own right. People should view themselves as working for the alliance and not their parent company.
In part this is down to good branding and internal communications, but it’s also important that parent companies don’t reach in through the back door and follow proper communication channels.
The alliance/enterprise needs its own offices and business systems, but deeper than that, companies need to integrate. Don’t have all the employees from one company grouped together.
Establish an Integrated Management System that each organisation can pull information from. One system, one source of truth.
Companies can then take data as necessary to report back to their businesses but there is no room for discrepancies.
Holding workshops to determine what systems are used can also be useful so that everyone gets a say and buys into the decision.
It must be counter intuitive to suddenly start sharing information with your competitors about what makes your project delivery so good. But this is the only way to find new solutions and create efficiencies.
Sharing best practice is fundamentally why Enterprise models will revolutionise programme delivery.
In true collaborative style it would be great to hear from you on any gems you’ve discovered from working with or in a collaborative environment. If we get another batch of great insights, I will be sure to circulate them.
Drop me an email with your thoughts.