5 Questions To Ask When Choosing Your Next Executive Search Partner

Are you considering working with an Executive Search partner? In early conversations with prospective clients, there are 5 questions we are often asked...

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5 Questions To Ask When Choosing Your Next Executive Search Partner

Are you considering working with an Executive Search partner? In early conversations with prospective clients, there are 5 questions we are often asked...

You need to make a change to your senior team.

That’s a big deal. Finding time to commit to thoroughly searching the market, screening candidates, and uncovering that unicorn that will enhance your business is tough.

So maybe you’re considering working with an Executive Search partner?

That’s also a big step. Especially if you haven’t worked with one before. You really need to be sure that you’re working with someone that really gets what you are looking for.

In early conversations with prospective clients, there are 5 questions we are often asked:

1. How would you find a diverse shortlist?

Not an easy task in our sectors, but one that we pride ourselves on working really hard to achieve. We will always review your brief to highlight areas that will need flexing to attract a more diverse talent pool.

  • Can you look to allied sectors?
  • Can we look at up and coming candidates?
  • Can this role accommodate someone working on a 4-day work week?

There are lots of options and we can work together to find an answer that suits your role.

2. What salary do you think we need to pay?

If you haven’t had to recruit for this role in a while (or ever) then knowing what salary is going to attract the right calibre of candidate can be a big ask.

Chances are, we have spoken before with a lot of candidates that fit your brief and will be able to provide you an accurate salary benchmark.

If we think what you are asking is unrealistic, then we can work on the brief to find candidates that fit your budget.

3. What does the market look like at the moment?

Are your competitors looking for similar roles? How big is the talent pool?

4. Have you done many searches like this before?

We have successfully completed over 600 executive search assignments. So, there is a good chance that we have a decent amount of experience finding candidates just like the one you need.

5. How well do you know us as a business?

This question is crucial.

If you are going to work with an Executive Search partner, they need to understand your business. They need to know the good and the not so good.

This is for two reasons:

  • So that we can sell your business to passive candidates – persuading them that this is the best move for them.
  • So that we know what type of candidate will fit with your culture – just because their CV is spot on, doesn’t mean their personality is right.

Give me a ring and ask me these questions about your senior roles. I look forward to answering them for you!